About Me

When I was in 6th grade, I saw An Inconvenient Truth in science class.

It rocked me so deeply that I passed out.

My body wasn’t ready to handle the reality of our civilization’s ongoing destruction of the living world. It’s been clear to me since that day that the most important issue of our time is our relationship to the more-than-human world.

With that in mind, the question becomes: what are we to do in this planetary moment?

I’ve explored many answers to that question, from the boardroom to the backcountry. I bridge the exploratory edges of our culture with fluency in how change practically happens. Below you’ll find more details on the chapters of my life, organized by the core question of each project.

I relentlessly pursue aliveness. I’m a committed skier, runner, and rock climber. I find flow in dance and other movement styles. I’ve explored the edge of human consciousness and collaboration as a builder, facilitator, and community member at Burning Man and elsewhere. I trained as an elite golfer for years, honing a craft and building a muscle of commitment.

I believe in living vividly.

We’re shaped by the questions we ask. Below you’ll find the questions I’ve lived with in each chapter of my life.


“How can we leverage financial products to bring a flood of investment into climate solutions?”
- Head of Product, Solara Energy

“How can we design a regenerative work environment? How can our team function at the highest level, both individually and collectively?”
- Chief of Staff, Terramera

“How can we create wilderness immersions that create profound shifts in perspective?”
- Wilderness Guide; Chulengo Expeditions, Outward Bound, Starlight Leadership

“How can we make going 100% clean energy as accessible as possible?”
- Software Engineer, Solar Mosaic

“What does it mean to pursue excellence in a craft?”
- Captain, Stanford Golf Team


“What is my Soul, my mythopoetic identity, my ecological niche, the dance that only I can dance?”
- Yearlong Soulcraft Immersion, Animas Valley Institute

“How can we live and lead from integrity, abundance, and presence?”
- Conscious Leadership Immersion, Conscious Leadership Group

“What is the human impact on the life-systems of our planet, and how can we change it?"
- Stanford University, Atmosphere/Energy

Other Training:

- Camp Omega, Flow Genome Project (Jamie Wheal)

- Tending the Five Gates of Grief, Francis Weller

This short video explores Dom's work with

Chulengo Expeditions.